Returning Objects

A method can return any type of data, including the objects.

In the following program, the incrByTen( ) method returns an object in which the value of variable a is ten greater than it is in the invoking object.

Syntax -

public ClassName MethodName( )
      return object;


Lets implement this on Eclipse IDE:

1. Launch Eclipse IDE, Create a new Java Class 'Seventh Project, Create 'Test' class as shown below:

2. Declare an instance variable 'a' as integer type as shown below:

3. Create a Test( ) constructor which receives an integer value as a parameter and assigns the received value to instance variable 'a' of Test class as shown below:

4. Create a method incrByTen( ) which returns object after incrementing the value of instance variable 'a' by 10 as shown below and save:

5. Create a class named 'ReceiveObjects' as shown below:

6. Create two objects, initialize one object 'object1' during its creating by passing a value '10' and just create another object 'object2' without initializing it as shown below:

7. Print the value of instance variable 'a' of 'object1' before calling incrByTen( ) method as shown below:

8. Call the incrByTen( ) method using 'object1' object  and store the object  returned by incrByTen() method in another object 'object2' as shown below:

9.Print the value of variable 'a' of 'object2' as shown below:

10. Call the incrByTen( ) method using 'object2' object  and store the object  returned by incrByTen() method into 'object2' as shown below:

11. Print the value of variable 'a' of  'object2' as shown below:

12. Save and Run the 'ReceiveObjects' class as shown below:

13. Observe that the output is displayed in the console as shown below:

Download this project:

Click here to download the project containing 'Test' and 'ReceiveObjects' class files used in this post (You can download the project and import into Eclipse IDE on your machine)