Interface inheriting another Interface

Like class inheriting another class, we can have an interface inheriting another interface using the same 'extends' keyword as shown in the below example:

public Interface Interface1 extends Interface2
      //Body of the Interface1

Lets implement this on Eclipse IDE:

1.Create an interface 'Interface1' which defines three methods as shown below:

2. Create an interface 'Interface2' which inherits 'Interface1' and also defines only one method as shown below:

3. Create a class 'ClassOne' which implements 'Interface2' as shown below:

4. Create a class 'InterfaceInheritedDemo' to create an object for 'ClassOne' class to access all its implemented methods of Interface1 and Interface2 as shown below:

5. Save and Run the 'InterfaceInheritedDemo' class
6. Observe that the output is displayed in the console as shown  below:

Download this project:

Click here to download the project containing the class files used in this post (You can download this project and import into Eclipse IDE  on your machine)